Your collection days
Our rubbish and recycling service operates five days a week.
Download a leaflet explaining everything you need to know here. For answers to common questions, please check out our FAQs page.
How does it work?
The district has been divided into 11 collection zones, each of them allocated a day. If you’re not sure which collection zone you’re in, please go to our Smart Maps system. Enter your address in the address bar in the top left of the page. Click your property on the map. Then click through on the blue arrow on the top right to get your collection area and then your collection day.
Collection day calendars 2025
Check out your area calendar for a handy guide as to what bins to put out kerbside on what days.
Please note: Printed calendars are available from Council offices, libraries, visitor information centres, Rubbish and Recycling Transfer Stations or some rubbish tag stockists.
Standard red and yellow weeks
These operate all year around for Thames Coast & Manaia, Thames Rural South and Thames & Surrounds.
For the east coast, Coromandel Town & Te Kōuma and Coromandel Rural North standard red and yellow week collections operate from early February to Christmas, then switch to a summer peak period to cater for the influx of holiday visitors. These peak summer collections are shown in the calendars above.
Red week
Under the standard red and yellow week system, one week is a red week for the collection of general rubbish and food scraps. Please place the following bins on the kerbside.

Yellow week
The next week is a yellow week for the collection of mixed recycling, your glass crate and food scraps. Please place the following bins on the kerbside.

Please note that food scraps will be collected every week.
Your standard collection days
Whangamatā South, Mercury Bay South
Whangamatā North, Onemana, Ōpoutere, Whitianga
Coromandel Town and Te Kōuma, Coromandel Rural North, Thames Coast and Manaia, Mercury Bay North
Thames & Surrounds, Thames Rural South, Tairua
Further information
If you have questions, please contact us.