Corridor Access Request

Need to plan an event, or dig within the road boundary (on roads, berms etc.)? Please lodge a corridor access request at least 15 working days prior to start of work where a road closure is not required and 75 days prior where a road closure is required, using one of the following methods (depending on whether you are excavating, working above ground within the road boundary or planning an event within the road boundary that will require a traffic management plan).

The corridor request fee is $130 per application which will be invoiced once the corridor access request is approved.

For work within the road boundary involving excavation:

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: If you don't have a login for beforeudig you will need to set up one at this stage.

Step 3: Lodge an enquiry (called a corridor access request or CAR) including all information requested including  a site-specific traffic management plan (see the traffic management section of this web page for more information).

Step 4: Your CAR for your planned excavation will then go through Council's roading consultant who will process your enquiry and advise whether they require further information or whether it is approved. Council' roading consultant can be contacted at

Step 5: Once your CAR has been approved work can start on the approved start date.

For non-excavation work within the road boundary (includes events within the road boundary and above ground work with the road boundary on private structures for example shop verandas)

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: If you don't have a login for you will need to set up one at this stage.

Step 3: Lodge an enquiry (called a corridor access request or CAR) including all information requested including a site specific traffic management plan (see the traffic management section of this web page for more information).

Step 4: Your CAR for your planned excavation will then go through Council's roading consultant who will process your enquiry and they will advise whether they require further information or whether it is approved.

Step 5: Once your CAR has been approved work can start on the approved start date.

Please feel free to contact Council or Pinnacles Civil at for further information.