Share Your Vision for Matarangi’s Omara Reserve We want to hear your thoughts on how Omara Reserve can be tidied up and organised so that it remains open space available for the whole community to use, including families with children.
Significance and Engagement Policy - Have Your Say Our Significance and Engagement Policy helps us guide the types of engagement to support robust decision-making at our Council. We've reviewed the policy and want your feedback on the changes we're proposing. Have your say from 22 September to 23 October 2023.
Have your say on the draft Biking Strategy for Hauraki-Coromandel Our Council is inviting feedback and discussion on a draft Biking Strategy that has been created to improve mountain biking experiences (and cycling) and drive tourism to the Coromandel.
Kauaeranga Valley Trail needs assessment The Council investigated community views on the potential for a new trail in the Kauaeranga Valley. Find out the background.
Create the Vibe survey An online survey in June 2023 gave locals the opportunity to have their say on their experience of Thames' Create the Vibe space in Mary Street and express their views about its future.
Draft Annual Plan 2023/24 - Have Your Say We're putting together our Council's budgets, project and operational priorities for the 2023/24 financial year. Our public feedback period closed on 10 April, thanks to everyone who provided a submission. Council will adopt the final Annual Plan in late June 2023.
Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Buildings Policy Consultation The Policy sets out how Council will inspect and identify dangerous, affected and insanitary buildings, including responding to complaints. It outlines actions Council can take, including issuing penalties.
Advertising and Signs Bylaw Consultation After reviewing the 2017 Advertising and Signs Bylaw in 2022, we invited your feedback. The feedback period closed on 2 December 2022.
Dog Control Policy and Bylaw Review Our Dog Control Policy and the associated Bylaw seek to balance the rights of dogs and dog owners while preventing any potential harm dogs could do to people or wildlife.
Tackling the future head on: What’s your take? Our Long Term plan outlines all the projects, budgets and facilities we're planning over the next 10 years, what they’re going to cost and how we’ll fund them (including what rates increases are likely to be for the next 10 years). There are some tough decisions ahead. Public feedback closed on 8 April 2024.
Thames Aquatic Provision Feedback Our Council sought community feedback on four options on developing a new aquatic facility to serve Thames’ future needs.
Have your say – Representation Review 2024 As a result of Council's decision on 31 October 2023 to establish a Māori Ward, we began a review of representation for the 2025 local election. In the wake of government legislation, we have reaffirmed our decision to have a Māori ward, and to make minor boundary changes affecting the area of Neavesville and its surrounds.
Have your say on our Parking Bylaw Public feedback on a proposed new Parking Bylaw was sought from 9 August to 9 September 2024 and the new Parking Bylaw |Ture ā-Rohe Tūnga Waka came into effect on 15 October 2024.
Have your say on the proposed amendments to the Traffic Control Bylaw Public submissions on a new Traffic Bylaw closed on 9 September 2024, with an amended bylaw coming into force on 1 November 2024.