Coromandel Arts and Creative Industries Strategy
For the Strategy to be effective, it needed to have involvement from the community, and in particular, the Arts Community.
The Arts Community may include:
- toi Māori - traditional and contemporary Māori Arts
- performing arts - music, dance, theatre, kapahaka, waiata
- visual arts - painting, sculpture, ta moko
- craft arts - spinning and weaving, wood turning, pottery, rarenga, tukutuku
- literary and language arts - writing, poetry, oratory, whaikorero
- media arts - photography, film making
- creative industries - fashion, design, textiles, music, film
- other activities with a component of creative expression - martial arts etc.
He Mana Toi Moehau Trust / Creative Coromandel Story
The Coromandel Peninsula is a beautiful region filled with pockets of stunning scenery, wild terrain and an abundance of talented creatives offering unique performing and visual arts experiences.
In 2015, driven by the Thames-Coromandel arts sector, a District-wide arts strategy was created through consultation with artists, art leaders and arts groups to develop, promote and sustain local artists and arts activities.
In 2016 the Arts and Creative Industries Strategy was adopted by TCDC and an Advisory Board represented by all five communities was formed to implement it.
The Advisory Board became the He Mana Toi Moehau Trust, known as Creative Coromandel, an independent charitable trust, made up of visual artists, performing artists and arts leaders from the region.
The Board of Trustees and sub committees are all arts and community passionate volunteers committed to advocating for and championing the arts in the Thames-Coromandel District and Hauraki rohe.
The Trust is responsible for advancing the Coromandel Arts and Creative Industries Strategy. Key roles include supporting the priorities from action plans between tangata whenua, arts communities and community boards, and leveraging funding from local, regional and national sources.
The Trust are also responsible for distributing funding from Creative New Zealand under the Creative Communities Scheme.
Roles are voluntary and any expenses incurred in attending meetings will not be covered by the council. The Board sets its own priorities and rules of operation, while complying with any funders' rules.
You can find out more about He Mana Toi Moehau Trust - Creative Coromandel here
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to email