What Do Your Rates Pay For?
What You'll Get for Your Rates
It's important to us that you receive good value for money. When you compare the cost of all of our services on a weekly basis, the average ratepayer will pay around $61.95 a week, based on the proposed budget for 2021/22 in the draft Long Term Plan.
For that, ratepayers generally enjoy:
- A district-wide roading network
- Safe drinking water at the turn of a tap
- Flush-toilets
- Rubbish and recycling collection at their gate
- Well maintained footpaths and roads
- Libraries
- Parks, swimming pools and sports grounds
- Cemeteries
- Regulatory services, like dog and noise control, food safety and other bylaw activities
- Local community grants
- Cleaner harbours and walkways
- Public toilets
- Community facilities, such as halls
- Ensurance of safe buildings
- Boat ramp access
- Civil defence when emergencies happen
- Lifeguards on eastern beaches.
The below infographic illustrates the facilities our Council provides:

Here's another way to slice it:

Council Activities
Here's a brief description of our activities/services. For more detail please read our Long Term Plan or visit the Our Services section of our website.
Parks and Reserves
- Parks, reserves, playgrounds and their management
Harbours, Airfields, Cemeteries and Toilets
- Includes wharfs, boat ramps, closed and open cemeteries, airfields and public toilets and their management
Local Transportation
- Things like town centre upgrades, streetlights and footpaths
District Transportation
District Leadership and Local Advocacy
- Elected members and Community Boards
Strategic Planning
- The Strategic Planning function for projects like the Coromandel Blueprint, and the Long-Term and Annual Plans
Hazard and Emergency Management
- Civil Defence, emergency management and natural hazard management
Economic and Social Development
- Supporting communities with economic development projects and funding for community initiatives
Community Health and Safety
- Bylaws, health licensing, parking, animal control and liquor licensing
Building Control
- Building consents, inspections and enforcement
Halls, Swimming Pools and Libraries
- Community Halls, District Libraries and Swimming Pools
Land Use Planning and Management
- Resource Management and consents, and the District Plan
Water supply
- Fresh water supply, pipes and treatment plants
- Wastewater treatment plants and infrastructure
Solid Waste
- Rubbish and recycling services
This pie chart gives a visual representation of what percentage of total Council spending goes to what activity: