Annual Report 2022-2023

Looking back at the past financial year (1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023), it’s a timely opportunity for our Council to reflect on what we set out to achieve, and to take stock of what we’ve managed to accomplish. Our Annual Report provides a lens through which we can review and evaluate our performance, ensuring that we remain accountable for our work programme and the levels of service we committed to provide to our communities.

It’s been an unprecedented year for our district, and for other storm damaged areas around Aotearoa New Zealand. From July 2022 to June 2023, we experienced eight significant storm events, including Cyclones Hale and Gabrielle, that have required our Emergency Operations Centre to be activated. We also declared a State of Emergency for our district during February of this year.

Of necessity, this has meant that response and remedial works for severe weather events have drawn away resources from routine maintenance, impacting the delivery of some projects and services. Added to that we’ve faced escalating costs for freight, materials, fuel and labour, as well as supply chain delays for civil engineering materials, mechanical and electrical equipment.

Despite these ongoing challenges, it’s been encouraging to see some positive progress across our activity areas, particularly around coastal hazard management, emergency and community resilience and vital funding to assist with economic recovery.

Here are a few of the highlights:

  • Economic Development
  • Coastal and Hazard Management
  • Emergency Management
  • Drinking water plants upgrade
  • Community Health and Safety
  • Solid Waste
  • Roads and Footpaths

Looking ahead, it’s clear that more frequent weather events will continue to challenge us all. As a Council, we need to maintain a strong focus on delivering not only services, but supporting our communities to become more resilient. Assessing what we’ve done over the past financial year will provide us with that vital stepping stone to build better transparency, resilience and accountability for the future.

- From Mayor Len Salt and Chief Executive Aileen Lawrie