Easter Sunday Trading Policy

Our Council reviewed the Easter Trading Policy on 26 October 2021. It allows shops to trade on Easter Sunday throughout the Thames-Coromandel District.
This policy does not force any retailers to open but provides for those who do want to trade on Easter Sunday to be able to do so and is at the discretion of the individual business owners.
Our Council cannot define specific opening hours or determine what types of retailers may open. It is important to note that this policy does not control or override shop trading provisions in other legislation, such as restrictions made under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.
Employees have the ability to refuse to work on Easter Sunday without providing a reason to their employer. Further information for employers and employees is available here www.employment.govt.nz.
Shops trading on Good Friday is restricted through the Shop Trading Hours Act 1990 and are not affected by this policy. To see what trading is allowed on Good Friday, click here for the legislation or here for a summary.
To read over the policy click here(PDF, 117KB).
If you have any questions about this proposal or about how to make a submission, please contact us on 07 868 0200 or email customer.services@tcdc.govt.nz.