Road and Highway Conditions

Important roading alerts will be visible at the top of our homepagePlease note that news on our Council roads is updated as soon as we receive confirmed reports from our roading crews. Please take care and drive to the condition

Weather-related road alerts

Please be patient, allow extra time for your journey, drive to the conditions and follow directions on signs and from our traffic management crews. We want everyone to get where they're going safely.

We've had reports of people moving signs and taking traffic management into their own hands. Please leave it to our roading contractors. If you spot any issues on roads report them to 0800 Highways (for State Highways) or our Council's call centre for local roads on 07 868 0200.  

The latest on our local Council roads

The 309 Road stop-stop traffic management 
  • Work beginning Monday 16 September
  • For one week, weather dependent
  • Bulk metalling of unsealed sections
  • Drive with care - delays and heavy work vehicles on the road
  • This is essential part of unsealed road maintenance to increase the pavement's strength and durability
Ferry Road works start Monday 2 September

ferry road.png

We're starting an important project on Ferry Road in Hikutaia, extending from SH26 to the end of our Council's maintenance area at the one-lane bridge (approximately 670m from SH26).

Key Details:

  • Start Date & Duration: Work starts on Monday 2 September 2024 and will take about 8 weeks, depending on the weather.
  • Road Closures: We’ll be closing Ferry Road to through traffic during construction, but residents will still have access. Outside construction hours (weekends and between 6 PM and 7:30 AM), the road will be open with traffic management in place.
  • Detours: We’ll have a detour in place for through traffic.
  • Hauraki Rail Trail: We’ll guide trail users through the site during construction. Outside these hours, traffic management will be in place for cyclists.
  • Rubbish & Recycling: Collection services will continue as usual.
  • Emergency Access: Emergency vehicles will have access at all times.
  • Communication: We’ve sent letters to all properties within the work site, as well as those on Ferry Road and side roads that will need to use the detour.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we work to improve Ferry Road.  

Colville Rd and Kennedy Bay Rd ongoing repairs

Colville Rd RP 15 (3).jpg

Our Council continues to carry out several repair projects on Colville Rd and Kennedy Bay Rd. This will cause some disruption with various rolling road closures and stop/go traffic light restrictions in place. We apologise for any inconvenience, but we're repairing storm and cyclone damage from 2023.

We recommend planning ahead to ensure the least amount of disruption to your journey.

Full details of all works, locations and closures are provided under the blue tab called Northern Coromandel repairs. If you have concerns at any point, please contact the customer service team on 07 868 0200, or email

Colville Rd 4.799km, slip repairs

Repairs to repair a dropout and restore the road to two full lanes on Colville Rd, about 4.8km from Coromandel township, started on 12 August. Weather depending, work should be complete by the end of October 2024.
To allow our Contractor to complete the repairs in a safe and timely way, traffic management will be in place during construction. The road should be open to at least one lane throughout the works.
Read more under the blue Northern Coromandel repairs tab below. 

Colville Rd RP 16.358km, retaining wall

Our Contractor Kelsey Construction is building an anchored timber retaining wall at Colville Rd RP16.358, Amodeo Bay (see location below) to restore Colville Rd to two full lanes following storm damage.

Work will start on Monday 23 September 2024 and should be completed by mid-December 2024, weather allowing.

Traffic management will be in place afterhours, with one lane open under traffic signals from 5pm – 9am.

During the day, from 9am to 5pm, the road will be fully closed for 50-minute intervals, with 10min openings on the hour every hour.

Emergency vehicles and rubbish recycling trucks will be given access.

Kennedy Bay Rd 5.144km, slip repairs

Retaining wall construction started on 19 August at Kennedy Bay Rd at 5.144km, to repair a drop out. Repairs are expected to take nine weeks, and temporary traffic management will be in place during this time.

Arrangements will be made for regular school buses and emergency services (as needed) to have access through the site, as well as Waste Management vehicles on their Wednesday rubbish/recycling collection run.

For details of traffic management and location, read more under the blue Northern Coromandel repairs tab below.

Priority sites for repair: Northern Coromandel - Colville and Kennedy Bay Rds | Woodroffe and Te Kouma Rds (Windy Point) | Neavesville Rd | State Highways (Waka Kotahi NZTA)

  • Work continues around the district to address damage to more than 70 sites identified as requiring repairs.
  • The majority of damage is clustered around the roads north of Coromandel Town where access is already difficult.
  • As far as possible, we'll be making every effort to keep roads open as we carry out repairs.
  • Click here to read our FAQs on road repairs after storms.

Northern Coromandel repairs - Colville Rd and Kennedy Bay Rd

Colville Rd RP 4.799km

Colville location 5 August 24.png

  • The repair of a dropout to restore the road to two full lanes on Colville Rd about 4.8km from Coromandel township started on Monday 12 August 2024.
  • Weather depending, the works are expected to be completed by the end of October 2024.
  • Nick Pemberton Construction Ltd (NPC) has been awarded the contract. 
  • To allow our Contractor to complete the repairs in a safe and timely way, traffic management will continue to be in place during construction.
  • The road is planned to be open to at least one lane throughout the works.
  • Anchors are installed and are being grouted before testing, and the last of the timber poles are being concreted in place.

Colville Rd RP 11.1km

  • The tender has been awarded to Kelsey Construction.
  • Works are expected to be complete at the end of October.  

Kennedy Bay Rd RP 5.144km

Kennedy Bay 19 Aug 24.png

Retaining wall construction began on Kennedy Bay Rd at 5.144km (see above), on 19 August 2024, to repair a drop out. Repairs are expected to take nine weeks, and temporary traffic management will be in place as follows:

  • During weekdays between 7.10am and 5pm, when required for construction, the road will be closed for up to 50 minutes.
  • During periods where road closures are required the road will be opened on the hour every hour for 10 minutes.
  • During the 50 minute closures, traffic control personnel will be in attendance to advise road users.
  • For all other times when the road is not required to be fully closed for 50 minutes, traffic signals will be in operation. Delays of 15mins can be expected.
  • The road will operate under traffic signals on weekends.

Arrangements will be made for regular school buses and emergency services (as needed) to have access through the site, as well as Waste Management vehicles on their Wednesday rubbish/recycling collection run.

For any concerns on the days of the works, please contact Kelsey Construction on 0800 992 812.

Woodroffe Rd and Te Kouma Rd (Windy Point)

  • A package of works has been tendered via the pre-qualification contract.
  • Tender closes 5/09/24.

Neavesville Rd works

Neavesville Rd RP 4.152km

  • A package of works is being prepared for sites at RP 4.95 and 5.4km.
  • Works will be tendered for pricing via pre-qualification.

Hot Water Beach Rd RP 7.2km

  • Works have been tendered and close 13/09/24.


Tentative Local Works Programme 24/25


Construction Completion

Colville Rd 4.799km

October 31st

Kennedy Bay Rd 5.144km

November 31st

Kennedy Bay Rd 0.55km

March 2025

Port Charles Rd 10.620km

December 15th

Wharf Rd Colville RP 1.58km

On Hold

Port Jackson Rd RP 22.02km

March 2025

Woodroffe Rd 0.133km

November 30th

The 309 Rd RP 14.140km

May 2025

Colville Rd 11.1km

November 30th

Port Charles Rd 15.320km

March 2025

Port Charles Rd 15.474km

March 2025

Port Jackson Road 18.8km

May 2025

Hot Water Beach Rd 7.205km

November 30th

Neavesville Rd 4.950km

December 15th

Neavesville Rd 5.400km

December 15th

Wharf Rd 1.635km

May 2025

Wharf Rd 1.986km

May 2025

Colville Rd 25.9km

December 15th

Colville Rd 16.358km

December 15th

Rangihau Road 4.982km

March 2025

Port Jackson Rd 7.480km

April 2025

Port Jackson Rd 18.300km

April 2025

Port Jackson Rd 22.020km

March 2025

Purangi Road 11.108km

April 2025

Bluff Rd 1.066km

May 2025

Bluff Rd 1.321km

May 2025


State highway maintenance and recovery work (Waka Kotahi NZTA)

Waka Kotahi NZTA's contractors regularly carry out chip sealing and asphalt surfacing across the Waikato, alongside the larger infrastructure projects. This contributes to improving the condition of the state highway network, resulting in smoother journeys for everyone.

Work has been planned to minimise delays, but given the volume of work, there are parts of the network where people may experience some sort of disruption. It’s important to factor in extra time to your journey, to ensure you arrive on time to your destination.

The Waka Kotahi Journey Planner ( is the best place for information on the status of the state highway network. With live updates on worksites and other road hazards, Journey Planner can help road users plot the best route to their destination.


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State Highway Status

State Highways are controlled by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. Check their website for State Highway status updates. 

With work still underway at sites along SH25, it's important that motorists drive to the conditions.

To keep contractors and road users safe, signage is in place to give advance warning of worksites and potential hazards such as slippery or uneven surfaces. Please follow any temporary speed restrictions and reduce your speed as you approach these sites.

Check Waka Kotahi's website or Facebook page for the latest updates.

The latest from Waka Kotahi NZTA

  For the latest updates on SH25/25A Thames-Coromandel projects, check here.

See any road safety issues?

If you see anything on our local roads, let us know on 07 868 0200 or email For State Highways, contact 0800 4 HIGHWAYS (0800 44 44 49).

We will keep you informed here and on our Facebook page of any road closures. For State Highways under Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency's control, keep an eye on their website.
Keep up to date with the latest roading news by signing up to our Council's newsletter. Visit