Solid waste compactors project

  • Project typeWaste Compactors
  • Project value$178,000

In 2016 our Council successfully obtained a $178,000 grant from the Government's new Regional Mid-sized Tourism Facilities Fund to help pay towards building five rubbish compactors that could be placed in visitor hotspots that don't have refuse transfer stations.

Solid Waste Compactor

These compactors are ideal because they can be moved around the district and placed at points where we have issues with rubbish disposal or high-use rubbish areas and take pressure off small communities that get overwhelmed by visitors using Council facilities.

The compactors are the first of their kind to be built in New Zealand and our Council is getting inquiries from other councils around the country with interest in using them as well.

"We know many other councils are facing this same issue, so if we demonstrate the value, there could be more of these units operating around the country in the future," says our Solid Waste Manager.

Solid Waste Compactor

The dimensions (6m h x 1.5m w), means it doesn't take up a considerable amount of space. The main frame, which contains the motor can stay on site, while the back section,  where the rubbish is stored, can be removed and emptied and replaced out with an empty unit. Rubbish compactor unit

"We’re now talking with schools and community groups about opportunities for local artists and students to be involved in painting or designing imagery on the compactors.

The build of the compacting unit has also been a local focus with Thames firm Watson Engineering, winning the tender with its "most cost-effective," bid.

The compactors are solar powered and coin operated. Any rubbish of approximately the size of a standard blue rubbish bag can be disposed of into the hopper.  Please do not use the compactors to dispose of any liquid or hazardous waste which must be taken to the nearest waste transfer station.

Solid Waste Compactor

The smell and noise nuisance will both be minimal.

Before any compactor is placed on a site we discuss it with the local Resident and Ratepayer Groups, as well as informing the local community affected. We also welcome ideas from communities about any other possible sites where they can be trialed.