Long Term Plan 2024-2034


Our formal consultation for our Long Term Plan (LTP) proposals closed on Monday 8 April. You can still view this page here.

We've prepared our draft long term plans and budgets for 2024-2034 and beyond, and from 8 March to 8 April we asked for your take on our proposals. There are some big challenges ahead for the Coromandel and we wanted to hear your thoughts on how we tackle them.

We received 348 items of written feedback during the consultation period - 235 of these were from individuals; 113 were made on behalf of organisations. You can see the written feedback we received here: 2024-34 Long Term Plan - Hearing Pack.

People who asked to present their views in person to our elected members were able to speak to their responses at our hearings meetings held on 1 and 2 May 2024. 

You can still read our consultation document Tackling the Future Head on: What’s your take?’ in the ‘Supporting information’ below. It sets out the key things you need to know, including our proposals and budget forecasts. If you still have questions, take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions document below. There's more in-depth information in our other supporting documents as well.

What is a LTP?

The LTP is a key planning document that we develop every three years. It outlines all the things our Council does and how they fit together. It contains the strategic direction for Council’s finances and infrastructure, identifies what projects we plan to do over the next 10 years and beyond, and what we estimate it will cost to pay for them. The Plan also sets the rates for the 2024/24 financial year, and forecasts indicative rates for the coming decade.

As a Council, we've asked for the participation and feedback of our staff, elected members, iwi and other partners including government agencies, ratepayers and local communities, as we continue to move through the process of developing our final LTP, which we'll be adopting in late June. 

What are the challenges ahead?

Like many councils around Aotearoa New Zealand, we’ve got some big challenges ahead, but we’re tackling them head on:

  • A large roading repair and improvement programme to fix damage done by last year’s cyclones
  • Costly coastal protection works to mitigate the impact of rising sea levels
  • Ageing infrastructure (like water treatment plants) that must be replaced
  • The rising cost of living and high inflation
  • Higher government compliance standards that must be met
  • A shortage of affordable housing.

If you'd like to know more, watch our Chief Executive Aileen Lawrie and Mayor Len Salt as they discuss some of the key issues impacting our planning for facilities and services.

What are our main priorities for this LTP? 

We’re prioritising the resilience of our district in our budgets and planning. We’re focusing on building strong foundations to continue the recovery from the extreme weather events of last year, and building resilience into the infrastructure and facilities our Council provides, while also enabling recovery and resilience within our communities. We’ll be making some provision in our long-term budgets for roading repairs and improvements, moderating the effects of climate change, helping our communities to become more resilient, and managing our economic growth.

How do we use your LTP consultation feedback?

While we are required by law to indicate a preferred option for the big issues that we’re asking for feedback on, we do have flexibility to consider changes based on your feedback. All the feedback provided during the consultation period will be noted by our teams and will help inform our final LTP. As part of an open and transparent consultation process, all feedback is treated as public once received.

What's next for our LTP? 

 _Whats happening when graphic.jpg

Supporting information

• Long Term Plan Consultation Document 2024(PDF, 4MB)    

• FAQ for Long Term Plan and Consultation(PDF, 205KB)

• Draft development contributions policy(PDF, 4MB)

• Draft financial strategy(PDF, 808KB)

• Draft infrastructure strategy(PDF, 3MB)

• Draft remission and postponement of rates on Māori freehold land policy(PDF, 442KB)

• Draft revenue and financing policy(PDF, 366KB)  

• Financial statements(PDF, 901KB)

• Our activities & performance framework(PDF, 473KB)  

• Our capital expenditure project lists by activity(PDF, 700KB)

• Our forecasting assumptions(PDF, 722KB)

• Schedule of fees and charges(PDF, 1MB)