Waste Levy Fund
The Waste Levy Fund provides funding to initiatives that reduce waste and encourage resource recovery in our district. It focuses on accelerating New Zealand’s transition towards a low emissions and low waste circular economy.
Where does the funding come from?
The Government charges a levy on all waste disposed of through landfills across the country. The waste disposal levy raises revenue for this fund.
Half of the money raised is distributed to territorial authorities, including Thames-Coromandel District Council.
The amount of levy each Council receives is determined by the number of people in each district.
The other half is managed by the Ministry for the Environment.
What is the purpose of the fund?
The money distributed to our Council goes towards our Waste Levy Fund which is used to provide individuals, community groups and organisations with the opportunity to fund initiatives that promote or achieve waste minimisation in a way that’s consistent our Waste Management and Minimisation Plan(PDF, 6MB) (WMMP).
Reducing the amount of general waste going into our landfills is great for ratepayers and our environment.
Council's waste levy funding can be used to
- Work with community organisations/private sector to establish or expand reuse centres at or adjacent to selected transfer stations where feasible
- Investigate, and if feasible support establishment of additional processing/disposal capacity in the East Waikato for waste streams. E.g. Biosolids, Construction and demolition waste, e-waste and or garden waste
- Provide waste education services to the community including (but not limited to): Primary and secondary schools education, home composting, waste prevention information, food waste prevention
Funding Application
An online application form is coming soon.
In the meantime, please email your funding application proposal to solidwaste@tcdc.govt.nz.
Previous recipients of Waste Levy funding
Funding Value
Date Provided
Seagull Centre
Containers for Resource Recovery at Tairua and Pauanui RTS sites
March 2023
Seagull Centre
Battery Drive
October 2022
Seagull Centre
Waste Education
July 2022
Mercury Bay Resource Recovery Centre
Business Case for new centre in Whitianga
June 2022
Whangamata Resource Recovery Trust
November 2021
Mercury Bay Resource Recovery Centre
E Waste Drive
November 2021