Summer's got lots more to give, road safety and more
Published on 24 January 2025
Summer safety on our roads
With the extra visitors on our roads, now is a good time to plan ahead for your travels so you can arrive safely at your bach or holiday spot for the Anniversary Anniversay and Waitangi Day long weekends.
“If everyone leaves plenty of time for their journey, drives to the conditions and plans ahead, it helps relieve the worst of the frustrations and you can concentrate on arriving safely,” says our Road Safety Education Advisor, Ingrid Le Fevre. “We want people to reach their destinations and be able to enjoy a relaxed break with friends and family.”
When driving over the upcoming long weekends, take care to:
- Drive to the conditions, whether it’s the weather, the time of day or amount of traffic.
- Take regular breaks to stay alert and ensure fatigue doesn’t affect your driving.
- Keep a safe following distance from vehicles in front so you can stop safely.
- Be patient - overtaking is unlikely to make a significant difference to your journey time due to the amount of traffic expected over the weekend.
- Allow plenty of time, remember you are on holiday and avoid the need to rush.
- Check your car is in good "health" before you head off.
- Share the road safely with cyclists.
- Pick up one of our limited edition ‘Stay Alive on 25’ vehicle stickers from our Council service centres.
Check NZTA’s website before you leave for accurate information about current road and traffic conditions on State Highways here.
Check our TCDC website for information on local Council roads.
Key information for your long weekend plans
Scheduled disruptions: What to expect
SH26 Onetai Stream Bridge replacement and detour

NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi will be replacing Onetai Bridge on SH26, between Puriri and Hikutaia. This upcoming work means the road will be closed for up to four weeks and a detour will be in place.
Contractors will be on site from Tuesday 28 January. The road will remain open with lane closures for the following two weeks. Both lanes will be open during Waitangi weekend, from Thursday 6 February to Sunday 9 February.
Monday 10 February – Road closure begins. This will be for up to four weeks until early March. The detour will be clearly signposted. Northbound traffic will use State Highway 2, Orchard and Bush roads and SH25. Southbound traffic will use SH25, Hauraki Road and SH2.
More information
Scheduled water shutdown – Hikutaia
A watermain will be repaired on Tuesday 28 January between 10am-2pm, therefore water supply will be shut down to:
- 6 – 66 Ferry Road
- All of Hikutaia Factory Road
- 8099 State Highway 26
There will be a water tanker placed at 8106 State Highway 26 (Pioneer Tavern) to provide clean drinking water throughout the shutdown.
There will be traffic management in place on Ferry Road while the fire hydrant outside number 17 Ferry Road is upgraded.
Any concerns, complaints or compliments may be addressed to Hydra-Care (EANZ) Ltd on 07 868 1129.
Thank you in anticipation of your co-operation during the duration of this work.
Water bills now due
Have you paid your water bill? Payments for most of the district are now due. If you’re in Thames, your water bill was due on 22 January. Coromandel and Whitianga bills are due 30 January.
Pāuanui’s due date was in December.
Any outstanding payments could result in a 10% penalty fee. Make sure you’re on top of your water bills by visiting
Visitors flock back to Mautohe Cathedral Cove
Our Council is recommending visitors to the iconic coastal arch plan their parking before they arrive in Hāhei. Find out more here
Tinaka Mearns, Department of Conservation’s Hauraki Waikato Taranaki Regional Director, says staff are pleased to see visitors enjoying the cove again.
“Staff and ambassadors have been monitoring the site to ensure people have a great time and the place is well looked after,” Tinaka says. “We are really pleased visitors are making good use of the new toilets at the Lees Rd entrance and are helping us care for this beautiful place.”
Visitors to Mautohe Cathedral Cove are reminded there are no toilets on the beach, people should not linger under the archway or near the cliff faces, and anyone visiting the beach should take their waste with them when they leave. Toilets are provided near the Lees Rd entrance. An ideal time to visit is during low tide, which provides more space on the beach including distance from the risk of rock fall from the cliff face.
Meanwhile, DOC has implemented a new process to manage weather and landslide-related risk at Mautohe Cathedral Cove.
The Trigger Action Response Plan (TARP) for natural hazard risk management at Mautohe Cathedral Cove establishes criteria for inspecting the site to manage public safety regarding landslide, rockfall, and treefall hazards.
“Ongoing geological risk at Mautohe Cathedral Cove is one of the main challenges we have at this site,” Tinaka says. “Having the TARP in place gives our staff a clear process and guidelines to manage visitor safety and minimising risk for visitors to Mautohe Cathedral Cove – and that’s an important priority.”
Find out more here
Hauraki Opportunity survey
Tukua tō reo kia rere | Let your voice fly
If you live, work, or play in the Thames-Coromandel, Hauraki, or Matamata-Piako areas, we want to hear from you about what matters most, to help our community groups and our Council make decisions that matter.
The first 2,000 people to complete the survey will go into the draw to win one of 80 gift cards valued at $25 each – one in every 25 wins.
Complete the survey Find out more
Calling artist and creative groups in the Coromandel Peninsula
Find out more
What's on in our district?
Make the most of the summer season in the Coromandel
Mark your calendars for these incredible upcoming events:

You are invited to our whānau fun day at Te Whitianga-nui-a-Kupe to commemorate the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. This inaugural beachside event will feature:
- An exciting lineup of Kapa Haka, live music from local artists, and Mau Rākau demonstrations.
- Cultural performances and Tiriti-focused workshops, sharing rich stories and histories from a local iwi perspective.
- A variety of stalls offering delicious kai, interactive toi Māori, hauora services, and educational opportunities.
This fun all-ages event is a wonderful chance for everyone to learn about the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi together.
Waitangi ki Whitianga is proudly presented by Ngā Tūmanako Whitianga Charitable Trust - a newly established charity focused on connecting all things Māori to the greater community of Whitianga.
With funding support from: Mānatu Taonga | Ministry of Culture and Heritage & Hauraki Te Puna Hauora Matua o Hauraki | Hauraki Primary Health Organisation
Follow Ngā Tūmanako Whitianga on Facebook & Instagram for the latest event updates
For more details on these and other events, follow the link below.
Find out more