Seeking Expressions of Interest: Visitor Information Centres
Published on 09 April 2024
The current agreements to run our local Information Centres will expire on 30 June 2024. We're currently seeking expressions of interest from businesses or organisations who may be interested in the contracts to run the Whitianga and Whangamatā Visitor Information Centres from Monday 1 July 2024.
If you are interested in running one of these centres, you will need to demonstrate that you can provide friendly, reliable customer service. You will need to seek alternative funding streams if you want to deliver more than what is required in our Service Level Agreement.
Services we are asking for:
· Providing visitors with local and district tourism information
· Providing an area to display posters of upcoming events.
· Providing booking services for local, district and regional accommodation, attractions, activities, tours and local transport.
· Promoting Thames-Coromandel District and the wider Coromandel capitalising on existing communication, marketing and promotional material, along with other relevant media.
· Support and promote any local initiative that will build on our Council's vision that 'the Coromandel will be the most desirable area of New Zealand in which to live, work and visit'.
The day-to-day management of the centres in our district is the responsibility of their respective service provider, with our Council providing a set amount of funding through a Service Level Agreement.
Expressions of Interest close 5pm, Tuesday 23 April 2024. If you want to submit your EOI form, chat to us about options, or have some other ideas of how to offer the service, please contact Kirstin Scarrott on 07 868 0200 or by emailing
Click here to download an EOI form.