Join us for an update on the Shoreline Management Pathways Project

Published on 30 August 2023

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Our Council's three-year shoreline management work has identified our Coromandel communities’ preferred pathways of action to improve resilience to the effects of climate change. Join us at a public meeting to find out about the next steps. 

What has the Shoreline Management Pathways project involved so far?

The project has so far involved extensive community engagement, resulting in 138 adaptation pathways specific to the aspirations and concerns of each of our communities, and the principles of kaitiakitanga. This included finalising coastal hazard modelling and the development of community-led coastal adaptation pathways for sea-level rise.

We are now looking to implement the outcomes of the project which are included in the pathways. Each pathway is specific to a section of our coastline and sets out how our communities want to manage the risks from sea level rise. 

We're holding meetings to inform communities about the latest thinking and projects, including:

  • seawall management in Moanataiari
  • stopbank enhancement in Thames
  • relocating Rhodes Park sports fields.

Meetings are scheduled for:

  • Tairua Hall, 12pm-1.30pm, Saturday 16 September
  • Whitianga Town Hall, 2pm, Saturday 16 September.

Further meetings are being planned for Thames, Moanataiari and Tararū South. We'll post updates to our website once they're confirmed:

The results of this phase of the project will inform our Council’s 2024-2034 Long Term Plan. If you have specific questions, please email

Below, you can watch a video of our Project Lead, Amon Martin, explaining the Shoreline Management Pathways Project.


Find the adaptation pathway for a particular stretch of coast

Click through to see the Thames-Coromandel Coastal Adaptation Pathways iReport to find the strategies and pathways for your area. Select "Map Viewer" and enter an address or zoom to a stretch of coastline. Select the coloured line on the coast that includes the area you are interested in for information and to download the Coastal Adaptation Pathway for that area.

Watch this video for handy tips on how to best navigate the iReport:


View the iReport

Information and factsheets from the project can be found below:

Or you can email us with any questions at