Buffalo Beach Rock Wall Extension Erosion from Cyclone Gabrielle took out a section of the Buffalo Beach foreshore approaching State Highway 25. We are extending the existing rock protection by about 30 metres north while gradually tapering it to help minimise the ‘end effects’ of wave action on the end of the proposed wall, a byproduct of all coastal hard structures.
Chorus Cabinet Art Programme Our Council is excited to announce we’re partnering with Chorus once again in their Cabinet Art Project – now open for submissions.
Coastal Management We're lucky to have some of the most beautiful and pristine beaches in New Zealand, if not the world, on the Coromandel, that's why we've adopted an ambitious programme to work with all stakeholders to manage the effects of climate change.
Coromandel Community Hub Since 2018 our Council has been working with CILT around the purchase of this land to build a community centre, with a Deed of Grant signed in 2019.
Coromandel Harbour Facilities Project Harbour facilities around the Coromandel need to be upgraded as we prepare for higher visitor numbers and increased usage of wharf and boat ramp facilities by both recreational and commercial users.
Coromandel Town Bypass Road Our Council is proposing a bypass road around the centre of Coromandel Town.
Coromandel Town-Thames Connector bus trial - now closed The free trial of the Connector service between Coromandel Town and Thames has been extended for a further three months until Tuesday 18 June 2024 and has now been closed.
Coromandel Walks Project The Coromandel Walks Project aims to create a world-class, multi-day walk that links strongly with towns and communities on the Coromandel, to drive economic development through tourism.
Council submission on the Future for Local Government review Our Council provided a submission on the Review into the Future for Local Government’s Draft Report | He mata whāriki, he matawhānui.