Council meeting highlights, Cathedral Cove named among top beaches
Published on 03 May 2024
Caption: L to R: Cllr Gary Gotlieb, Cllr Rekha Giri-Percival, Cllr Peter Revell, Cllr Robyn Sinclair, Cllr and Deputy Mayor Terry Walker, Mayor Len Salt, Cllr Martin Rodley, Cllr Deli Connell, Cllr John Morrissey, Cllr John Grant
Busy week for our Council: The latest meeting highlights
With both a regular meeting and two days of hearings on our proposed draft Long Term Plan, our Mayor and Councillors had a busy week.
In the hearings, more than 70 individuals and group representatives spoke to their submissions to our draft Long Term Plan (LTP). In all we received 348 submissions on a wide variety of topics. Elected members will deliberate the feedback and make decisions in public meetings on 21-22 May. Then staff will revise the project plans and budget figures accordingly in time for the final LTP to be formally adopted by the end of June.
Here are some of the highlights of Tuesday’s Council meeting. The agenda and recordings of the meeting are available on our website at
• A review of Destination Hauraki Coromandel (DHC), our Regional Tourism Organisation responsible for destination marketing for the region, examined the purpose, performance, and funding of the organisation. Council decided that it wants DHC to continue to operate as a Council Controlled Organisation of our Council and Hauraki District Council, with a range of enhancements to improve performance. The importance of robust destination marketing run at the local level has been underlined by the coalition government, which has signalled that funding models that take pressure off councils to provide visitor infrastructure need to be found.
• The Waikato Regional Aquaculture Strategy was endorsed. This has come out of a partnership with iwi, industry, local and central government and other stakeholders and is particularly important to the Coromandel as we’re a significant player in New Zealand’s aquaculture industry – we produce roughly a quarter of NZ’s exports. The goal is to significantly expand aquaculture and with the Kōpū Marine Precinct nearly open to service industry vessels, and with Te Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf Wharf, our district has two important bits of infrastructure positioned to enable the industry to grow.
• The Thames Business Association was approved as the operator of a new Visitor Information Centre, which will utilise the Thames War Memorial Civic Centre site previously occupied by the i-SITE. Funding will be as allocated through the 2024-2034 LTP.
• The Council also retroactively approved submissions to the Government Policy Statement on Land Transport and the Regional Land Transport Plan. These were both opportunities to present our district’s need for long-term investment in our district’s roading network to make sure it’s robust enough to withstand future extreme weather events. Both submissions had been considered by Councillors but the submission period prevented formal sign-off in a public meeting.
• Our submission to Waikato Regional Council’s draft Long Term Plan was approved. Key points we’re making are for the Regional Council to continue its regional development fund (grants from which have gone both to our Kōpū Marine Precinct and Te Ariki Tahi Sugarloaf Wharf), invest more in biodiversity, funding for public transport and concerns over the lack of clarity in the infrastructure strategy about the commitment to maintaining infrastructure to manage natural hazards.
• The Shoreline Management Pathways (SMP) priorities update was received. The priorities for action are:
• Detailed design for Thames protection, including site specific flood modelling,
• Development of a funding strategy for SMP implementation,
• Development of a business case to support external funding applications,
• Carry out spatial planning to identify locations for future growth,
• And strengthen the District Plan to restrict inappropriate development in hazard affected areas.
Click here for more details about Council meetings
Cathedral Cove wins global award as DOC shares access options

Locals and visitors who have experienced the beauty of Mautohe Cathedral Cove first-hand may not be surprised to learn that it’s been ranked among the world’s Top 50 beaches, as voted by top travel professionals. It was the only beach in Aotearoa New Zealand to make the global list.
Each contending beach was ranked by travel professionals according to key criteria, including its unique characteristics, sights and sounds of nature, levels of crowding and the frequency of ‘idyllic conditions’.
The feature highlights the importance of the Department of Conservation’s current work to reinstate some form of walking access to the beach from Hāhei before summer 2024-2025. This week DOC has detailed a range of short- and longer-term options. Those wishing to visit Cathedral Cove can currently view it from the water, by boat or kayak, with local operators experiencing a busy summer of tours around the cove.
Following engagement with affected communities and Ngāti Hei, DOC have created a presentation which details the options being considered and their relative strengths. Our Council is working alongside DOC to support their community engagement, with the goal of re-instating walking access as efficiently as possible, while accounting for key safety concerns, environmental and cultural impacts, as well as future sustainability.
Access to the beach was impacted by the severe weather events of summer 2022-23, including Cyclone Gabrielle.
Click here to read what the judges had to say
Click here to read the latest updates from DOC
Have your say on Thames pool options by Monday 6 May

There’s still time to make sure your views help shape plans for a new aquatic facility to serve Thames for the future. The online survey closes at midnight on Monday 6 May and the paper survey submissions close at 4.30pm on Monday.
With the online version, only completed surveys (where the submit button has been pressed) will be counted. We note that there have been 300 surveys partially filled out online, waiting to be finished. Please make sure if you’re one of these, that you return to the survey and complete it, so your views are recorded.
All the information on the options is available in the Thames Aquatic Provision Summary of Options. You can also view printed copies of it at Thames Library (until Saturday lunchtime) or on Monday at the Thames Council offices front desks.
Click here to fill in the survey
Read the summary document
Pool reopening Monday 6 May
The maintenance work on Thames Centennial Pool is complete, and we are now filling, heating and chlorinating the water.
The pool will be ready to go at 6am on Monday 6 May. Thanks everyone for your patience as we completed maintenance work.
Opportunities at our Council

At our Council we ensure work-life balance is not just a dream but a reality. We offer an array of staff benefits including flexible work arrangements, relocation allowance, sick leave on commencement of employment and more.
Our current job vacancies are:
• Programme Manager
• Senior Resource Consent Planner
• Senior Development Engineer
If you're interested in working for us, and there are currently no vacancies that fit your skillset and knowledge, please complete the expression of interest application via the link below.
Click here to find out more and apply
Dog registration coming up: Make sure your details are correct

From Saturday 1 June you will be able to renew your dog's registration online.
If any of your contact or dog details have changed since last year, please let us know before Monday 13 May so we can get your reminder sent to the right place.
You can fill in a form online here: Change of circumstances. Or you can contact our Customer Services team on 07 868 0200, or email
Click here to update your details
Local events
Whitianga Run Fest

Held on Saturday 25 May, the 2024 Whitianga Run Fest features new scenic coastal tracks, designed for both runners and walkers. The revamped and refreshed courses feature breath-taking views with a combination of urban paths and well-formed trails.
Choose your distance and pace, with 3km, 6km, 10km or 21km options. There's even a dressed competition and other excitement planned to make sure it's a fun day for all.
Click here to read more and register
Thames Sunday Concert: NZTrio presents Triptych 1: Unquiet Dream

Described as a “national treasure” and “New Zealand’s most indispensable ensemble”, NZTrio is renowned for its eclectic repertoire, outstanding talent and warm Kiwi stage presence. It's rare to have three such incredibly accomplished artists visit Thames: Amalia Hall (violin), Ashley Brown (cello) and Sarah Watkins (guest pianist), every NZTrioperformance powerfully reaffirms the importance and cathartic nature of a live musical experience in today’s digital world.
Benjamin Britten Introduction and Allegro for piano trio
Lera Auerbach Trio No. 2 Triptych - This Mirror Has Three Faces
Chris Cree Brown (New Work)
Felix Mendelssohn Trio in D minor Op. 49
When: Sunday May 5, 2pm
Where: St George's Church, Thames
Tickets (cash only): $20, Thames Music Group Members $15, under-18s free
Find out more
Join Hato Hone St John as a volunteer
On Saturday 4 May, join the friendly team at Hato Hone St John in Coromandel Town, to find out what it's like to be a local volunteer. Hato Hone St John are looking to recruit people who want to make a difference and support their local community.
Drop in between 9am and 2pm at 60 Kapanga Road to find out more.

Visit Hato Hone St John on Facebook
Find out more about volunteering with St John
Event application for Whangamatā
Ollie Events Limited has applied for a restricted discretionary resource consent for a two-day outdoor youth festival/event to be held on 30 and 31 December, with alternative dates on either 1 and 2 January or 2 and 3 January, for up to 6,000 people at Aickin Road Sports Reserve in Whangamatā for a term of five years.
Submissions close at 5pm Friday 17 May 2024.
Click the link below for more information on the application and how to make a submission:
Find out more
Read Creative Coromandel's latest news

Creative Coromandel have released their May pānui | newsletter. In it you'll find:
- Information on Northern Coromandel's Colville Creative Pop-up
- Local creative events and concerts
- Information on the Creative Communities Funding Scheme
- An invitation to be part of their upcoming Spring Artbeat Festival
- Information on the French Film Festival coming to Mercury Twin Cinemas this month
Click here to read more
Upcoming work and maintenance
Thames Library closing for re-carpeting
A reminder that Thames Library will be closed from midday this Saturday 4 May until Tuesday 14 May for recarpeting.
The car park will also be partially out of action during this period.
Your last chance to borrow and return items (and to pick up your holds) is this Saturday morning - 4 May. Don't forget to stock up.
Click here to find out more about our libraries
Kennedy Bay Road pavement repairs
Our contractors Ventia NZ are carrying out essential pavement repairs on Kennedy Bay Road between 7.30am and 6pm, which needs to be done before winter arrives. Work is scheduled to begin on Tuesday 7 May and should be finished by midday on Wednesday 8 May (weather dependant).
This will cause average delays of 20 to 30 minutes and, in some cases, up to 50 minutes, although this will be a rare occasion. Provision will be made during the repairs for school buses, residents and other key workers to have access, and emergency vehicles will have access at all times.
We apologise for any inconvenience, and we’ll make every effort to minimise disruptions and ensure safety for everyone.
Pavement Repairs
Tuesday 7 May, 7:30am – 6pm (weather dependent)
Wednesday 8 May (morning only, weather dependent)
Location: Kennedy Bay Road RP 8038 to 9042 (map below)

Central Thames road work
Work is being undertaken on the intersection of Thames’ Mackay and Willoughby Streets, until around Friday 10 May, to improve safety for both motorists and pedestrians. There will be a road closure in place for Willoughby Street and a two-way stop-go on Mackay Street.
Contractors Ventia NZ and our Council understand that these works are likely to affect the public, nearby residents, school buses, parents’ and students’ movements. Please be assured that every effort will be made to minimise disruption and ensure safety for residents, the public and school operations.
Clear signage will be displayed around the site to divert pedestrians and traffic safely and efficiently. Provisions are in place to accommodate emergency services with site access and priority movements.